Monday 18 April 2011

The beginnings of a compost way of life.

Few things are better for your plants and for the environment than home-made garden compost, yet why is making it never quite as straightforward as the experts would have us believe?
Perhaps unrealistic expectations, coupled with the modern desire for instant results, are mainly to blame. The commercial garden industry, anxious to sell us a fancy machine or secret ingredient that promises to make compost in days, merely adds to our feeling of inadequacy. But don’t panic, as time goes by this blog is here to help take the mystery and fuss out of making compost.
It makes clear that compost making doesn’t need to be hard work, need cost almost nothing, and that the only secret ingredient you need is patience. It doesn’t prescribe any particular approach, but it does explain that although things will go wrong, if you understand the basic principles and learn from your mistakes, you will soon arrive at a method that works for you and suits your kind of gardening.

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